Spent your anniversary giving birth
And from that day forward you showed me my worth
Long days at the park
We definitely made our mark
Mother and daughter together
The only girls, it was always better
From all your floor mopping
To more fun clothes shopping
You taught me the skills and the drills
To get life's thrills
My Mom forever
And ever
I am forever indebted to you for your charity and life lessons. I feel privileged to be your daughter and friend. You are an amazing women of talent, beauty, strength, and love.
Love, your daughter.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart What a lovely poem. Nothing makes a better Mother's Day gift. A woman named Ann Jarvis campaigned for a day for Mom's. She wanted it to be a day where we expressed our appreciation for our Mother's and spent time with them. However she regretted starting the holiday when it became so commercialized. Well you did it right. Love you Jen