Thursday, August 8, 2019



Words to describe our Greyson

G Go-Getter - He will never give up! A whole hearted kid that gives it everything the has and gets the most out of life.

R Resourceful - All the knowledge in his brain is used to get what he wants. There is never no in his mind. I am sure this will take him far in life.

E Energetic - I guess you could describe him as the energizer bunny.  He never stops and food recharges his battery.

Y Youthful - One of the youngest kids in the family. You would never know it by the way he can keep up with us all. He may only be 5 but he'll be right up with all the older ones.

S Sureness - The kid that knows his limits. If he can do it don't stand in his way, his confidence will carry him strong.  He is also confident in what he can't do and knows when to say no.

O Optimistic - With a positive outlook on everything to look forward to while being 5 he is sure it will all be great!

N Never - Never say never with our little Grey Grey. He will do it no matter what stands in his way.

My heart broke when he woke up sick on his Birthday. He has been looking forward to this day all year. Awfully sick on his day but I did enjoy the snuggles and care I was able to provide. He was a trooper the next day as we had our Copper Mountain fun the last day of vacation for his Birthday celebration.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

This is Everet


E empathetic - He feels deeply for others and on his own. His heart is real and he shows and shares his feelings.

V victorious - He is set on the victory and is always out to be the champion.

E entertainer - Just watch him give it his all with his love for music while wearing his headphones or on stage. He doesn't mind taking the spot light.

radiant -  a hopeful boy who always sees the good in life.

expert - He knows what he knows and don't try to tell him different.

T exuberant - He has an uncontrollable excitement for life and all the thing in it. His energy and personality radiate it. 

talented - his natural athletic talent are a gift as he works at soccer and track and field.